Saturday, January 07, 2006

Rush Goebbels caught in a lie

Media Matters for America caught Rush Limbaugh in his latest lie, and Keith Olbermann then trumped it up, naming Rush as "The Worst". Rush and a caller claimed that a FISA judge blocked the FBI from getting into the laptop computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, when, in fact, it was the FBI that decided not to go for a warrant because FBI attorneys felt they didn't have enough evidence to get a warrant.

It's great that we live in a day and age when there are watch-dogs watching the watch-dogs because, let's face it, the mainstream media is clueless. They have kow-towed to Bush for more than four years now and are only now showing some glimmer of coming out of their shell.

But there are two ongoing problems here. First, the mainstream media is called "mainstream" for a reason: They have the most viewers/listeners/readers. Rush and Hannity are in a similar category since they also have millions of listeners. Outfits like Media Matters, America Blog, Crooks and Liars, etc. are great, but they are not reaching the masses. By and large, they are a potential primer for stories for the mainstream media, but it's hard to say what will and will not stick.

Second, when Goebbels, err, Limbaugh and his ilk toss their lies and misinformation out there, it has a much greater probability of sticking, at least with their true believers and maybe with that great swath in the middle that can go either way. Even if The Great Middle Swath is not listening to Limbaugh, they catch these things at the water cooler and can become easily convinced.

And that's how those of us who believe in that great "technicality" known as the Constitution become "extremists" and how the Wrong Wing stays in power.


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