Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mosque bombed, crickets chirp

Raise your hand if you knew that a mosque in Cincinnati was bombed the week before Christmas. I just found out last night, thanks to a radio show that I listen to. Where was the national media? Nowhere to be found. It was too busy tracking down Jerry Falwell for interviews about the fake War on Christmas.

I generally detest the "if it had been a..." line that people use, but here it must be said. If it had been a church...

Thank Allah no one was killed or injured.


At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, didn't make the news. Our coverage here was filled with a local bank robber who got 8500 bucks...the bigger story? He ran for a seat in a Dauphin county town only weeks before. Who had room with a story like that?

At 5:06 PM , Blogger Kinder Gentler Little Man said...

And next week you'll find out that he's running for the state legislature. He'd fit in well.


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