Monday, February 06, 2006

What? Gonzales' wife wasn't there to cry?

Lots of juicy stuff from today's hearing with Abu Gonzales on the NSA's 3-way calling program, and it's too late to blog it all down. Check out these sites for some good stuff:
Think Progress
America Blog

Some quick highlights and lowlights.

The hearing got off to a rocky start when the Repugnantcans refused to have Gonzo sworn in. Thus, he was not under oath, and thus, he was free to lie without penalty. Granted, Gonzo has no problem lying under oath either.

When Abu told Feingold that he would get back to him with some information he requested, Feingold said, (not an exact quote) "Good, I prefer that over a hypothetical." Nice.

Kudos to both Arlen Specter and Lindsey Graham for not letting Gonzo off the hook. As annoyed as I was with both of them, especially Graham, at the Alito fiasco, they both deserve props for being serious about this.


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