Sunday, February 05, 2006

Allegheny County considers Diebold

Allegheny County is in a tough spot. They are considering purchasing new voting machinery from Diebold, a company with a less than impeccable reputation, or risk losing a $12 million grant from the federal government for upgrading their election systems. Only Diebold has promised that it can deliver the new machines by the May primary.

Diebold's chief brought disdain on the company by his role as a Bush cheerleader:
In 2003, then-chief executive officer Wally O'Dell -- a top fund-raiser for President Bush's re-election campaign -- sent out a letter to Ohio Republicans promising that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Voters reported no problems with using Diebold's machines, but watchdogs are skeptical.
But, until this new generation of voting machines holds up in several elections, doubts will linger. There have been no reported instances of fraud. That doesn't comfort some people, like Verified Voting's Dr. Dill.

"It would be very, very hard to prove," he said of potential attempts to tamper with elections. "Every computer scientist I talk to reports a queasy feeling when voting on these machines."


At 5:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schuylkill County Commissioners recently approved the purchase of Diebold machines. The two Republicans voted for, the Democrat against. Just in time for Santorum's re-election.

At 11:39 PM , Blogger Kinder Gentler Little Man said...

When one party is voting for and one party against anything to do with elections, you have to wonder what is up.


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