Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Harrisburg Hero Award

It's easy to be negative and mean and snarky with all of the tomfoolery in Harrisburg. And, frankly, many of those connected to state politics deserve it.

But my conscious got the better of me, and I realized that, if we're going to have a Harrisburg Hoser Award, we have to have a Harrisburg Hero Award, too. And the first winner of the Harrisburg Hero Award is easy.

It's Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf (R-Montgomery).

On January 23, flanked by Thomas Doswell, an innocent man who spent 19 years in jail for a rape someone else committed, Senator Greenleaf introduced Senate Bill 1069, the Innocence Commission Act, to create the Innocence Commission of Pennsylvania to study why innocent people are convicted of crimes.

On January 30, the PA Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the bill that included testimony from three exonerees, a lawyer from the Innocence Project, a law professor from Duquesne School of Law, and two advocates. No one testified against it.

Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee passed SB 1069 to the Senate floor without debate and without opposition.

A few years ago, many considered Senator Greenleaf to be in the backpocket of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association. Now he is interested in reform. We appreciate his boldness, his honesty, and his leadership.

The prize for the Harrisburg Hero Award is simple. We ask anyone who comes across this post to send Senator Greenleaf a letter of thanks:
Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf
Senate Box 203012
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3012

You can read more commentary on the Innocence Commission at The Central Pennsylvania Abolitionist.


At 10:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you can add the hosers addresses so we can tell them what a bunch of sheep ----ers they are....I mean that we disagee with their position. Then we could send out good and "bad" mail in the same batch.


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