Sunday, August 27, 2006

Connect these dots

Fun and games on a Sunday night.

According to a recent Harris poll, 50% of Americans believe that we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

According to a recent Science magazine poll, 50% of Americans do not believe that humans evolved from a lower species.

And according to the 2004 election returns, 52% of American voters voted for George W. Bush.

How much overlap do you think there are in these three groups?

This response came from media critic Michael Massing on the WMD poll:
"This finding just has to cause despair among those of us who hope for an informed public able to draw reasonable conclusions based on evidence," Massing said.

The Science poll backs up the findings of a CBS News poll from earlier this year, which found that 53% of Americans believe that God created us in our present form. The funny thing is that at least one Finnish news outlet, NewsRoom Finland, reported the results from the same Science magazine poll with the lede, "With only two thirds saying the theory of evolution is a tenable explanation of the origin of species, Finns are more sceptical about evolutionism than people in many other European countries as well as in Japan." Only two thirds? Two thirds would be cause for celebration in the U.S.

As I once heard someone else say, it's been a rough couple of years for those of who are based in reality.


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