Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How I learned to stop worrying and love The Bomb

A little over a year ago, a commentary on claimed that the Bush Administration has the nuking of Mecca on the table to keep al Qaeda from attacking us again. At that time, in those pre-NLM days, I e-mailed a few friends and said that normally I'd assume this came from the lunatic fringe, but with Bush in office, anything is possible.

Now it seems that the lunatic fringe is actually in office, not out there in the hinterlands somewhere planning the bombing of an abortion clinic. No, this crew has bigger fish to fry, so to speak. As you may have heard by now, Seymour Hersh reports in this week's New Yorker that the plans for attacking Iran are already completed, that troops are already in Iran, and that the nuclear option is on the table. Hersh also reports that top generals have threatened to resign if The Bomb is not removed from the plans.

Bush responded by calling it "wild speculation." Some right-wing horn-blowers attacked Hersh's credibility. (Mind you, Hersh broke the Abu Ghraib story before the pictures.) But no one has denied the assertions in the story.

A week before Hersh was doing the Sunday shows, I commented on Charles Krauthammer's take on Iran with the main point being that this crowd lacks the credibility to lead us into yet another conflict.

Trouble is, they may lack the credibility, but they don't lack the power. If we go after Iran militarily, we should be in the streets.


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