Sunday, January 22, 2006

Feds: Have armor, lose life insurance

Karl Rove recently encouraged Republicans to run on national security issues in 2006, but the only way that strategy can work is if the Repugnantcans lie and misinform America. At the least, the GOP can't run on the claim that they support our troops.

A week after the report that 80% of soldiers killed in Iraq from upper body wounds could have survived if they had the proper body armor, now comes a report that soldiers who purchased body armor on their own could lose their federal life insurance if they are killed in Iraq.

So, let's run through the Bush record on supporting our troops:
1. Cut VA funding.
2. Start a pre-emptive war on bad intelligence, which plenty of experts both inside and outside of government knew was faulty.
3. Send soldiers into war without armored vehicles.
4. Send soldiers into war without sufficient body armor.
5. Send soldiers into war without sufficient troop levels.
6. Cut life insurance when soldiers take the initiative to buy their own body armor.
With a friend like this, who needs enemies?


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