How entertaining it was to watch Dr. No, err, Rice on Tim Russert's hotseat yesterday on Meet The Press. The intro was all about Iraq, but Russert spent the first 15 minutes blistering her over el presidente's shredding of the US Constitution. Her two most heavily used responses were "I'm not a lawyer" and "September 11". The latter, of course, is always the administration's fall back. 9/11 is their excuse for the Iraq debacle. It's their excuse for pushing for unconstitutional provisions in the USA Patriot Act. And the list goes on.So on this morning's shows, here comes Al Gonzo, who says, "This is not a situation of domestic spying." Really? So then what do we call it? Three-way calling?
Gonzales says Congress authorized spying
Of course, NLM's favorite defense is the "commander-in-chief" card. I must have slept through my high school civics class. I missed the constitutional amendment that says, "The president may disregard this entire document."
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